Mastering Union Types: How to Get a Specify Type from a Union Type with a Specify Value
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Mastering Union Types: How to Get a Specify Type from a Union Type with a Specify Value

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Union types are a powerful feature in programming languages like TypeScript, allowing you to define a variable that can hold multiple data types. However, working with union types can sometimes be confusing, especially when you need to get a specific type from a union type with a specific value. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the world of union types and provide you with clear instructions on how to achieve this feat.

What are Union Types?

Before we dive into the main topic, let’s quickly review what union types are. In TypeScript, a union type is a type that represents a value that can be one of several types. You can think of it as a “or” type, where a variable can be either type A or type B or type C, and so on. Union types are defined using the pipe symbol (`|`) between each type.

let unionType: string | number | boolean;

In this example, the `unionType` variable can hold either a string, a number, or a boolean value.

The Problem: Getting a Specific Type from a Union Type

Now, imagine you have a union type with multiple values, and you want to get a specific type from that union type based on a specific value. For instance, suppose you have a union type that represents a user ID, which can be either a number or a string:

type UserID = number | string;

You have a function that takes a `UserID` as an argument, and you need to perform different actions based on whether the `UserID` is a number or a string:

function processUserID(id: UserID) {
  // How do I get the specific type of id here?

This is where things get tricky. Since `id` is a union type, you can’t simply use the `typeof` operator or other type-checking mechanisms to determine its type at runtime.

The Solution: Using Type Guards

Enter type guards! A type guard is a function that narrows the type of a value within a specific scope. In our case, we can create a type guard function that takes a `UserID` as an argument and returns a specific type based on the value.

function isNumberID(id: UserID): id is number {
  return typeof id === 'number';

function isStringID(id: UserID): id is string {
  return typeof id === 'string';

These type guard functions use the `typeof` operator to check the type of the `id` argument at runtime. If `id` is a number, `isNumberID` returns `true`, and if `id` is a string, `isStringID` returns `true`. The `id is number` and `id is string` syntax is called a type predicate, which tells TypeScript that if the function returns `true`, then the type of `id` is the specified type.

Using Type Guards in Your Code

Now that we have our type guard functions, let’s modify the `processUserID` function to use them:

function processUserID(id: UserID) {
  if (isNumberID(id)) {
    // id is definitely a number here
    console.log(`Processing number ID: ${id}`);
  } else if (isStringID(id)) {
    // id is definitely a string here
    console.log(`Processing string ID: ${id}`);
  } else {
    throw new Error(`Invalid ID type: ${id}`);

In this example, we use the `isNumberID` and `isStringID` type guard functions to narrow the type of the `id` argument within each branch of the `if` statement. If `id` is a number, we perform one action, and if it’s a string, we perform another action.

Additional Techniques for Working with Union Types

Beyond type guards, there are a few more techniques you can use to work with union types:

Inheritance and Discriminated Unions

When working with complex data structures, you can use inheritance and discriminated unions to create a more robust type system. A discriminated union is a union type that includes a discriminant property, which is a property that determines the type of the union.

interface NumberID {
  type: 'number';
  value: number;

interface StringID {
  type: 'string';
  value: string;

type UserID = NumberID | StringID;

In this example, we define two interfaces, `NumberID` and `StringID`, which have a `type` property that indicates the type of the ID. We then create a `UserID` union type that combines both interfaces.

When working with inheritance and discriminated unions, you can use the `in` operator to narrow the type of a value:

function processUserID(id: UserID) {
  if ('value' in id) {
    // id is either NumberID or StringID
    console.log(`Processing ID: ${id.value}`);
  } else {
    throw new Error(`Invalid ID type: ${id}`);

Using the `never` Type

The `never` type is a special type in TypeScript that represents a value that never occurs. You can use the `never` type to handle exhaustiveness checks for union types.

function processUserID(id: UserID) {
  switch (id) {
    case 'number':
      console.log(`Processing number ID: ${id}`);
    case 'string':
      console.log(`Processing string ID: ${id}`);
      const _exhaustiveCheck: never = id;
      throw new Error(`Invalid ID type: ${id}`);

In this example, we use a `switch` statement to handle the different types of `id`. If `id` is not a number or a string, we assign it to a variable of type `never`, which ensures that TypeScript checks for exhaustiveness.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the world of union types and learned how to get a specific type from a union type with a specific value. We’ve covered type guards, inheritance, discriminated unions, and the `never` type, and demonstrated how to use these techniques in your code.

Best Practices for Working with Union Types

To get the most out of union types, follow these best practices:

  • Use type guards to narrow the type of a value within a specific scope.
  • Use inheritance and discriminated unions to create a more robust type system.
  • Use the `never` type to handle exhaustiveness checks for union types.
  • Avoid using `any` or `unknown` types, as they can lead to type errors.
  • Use the `as` keyword to cast a value to a specific type, but be careful not to use it excessively.


In this article, we’ve covered the ins and outs of union types and provided clear instructions on how to get a specific type from a union type with a specific value. By following the techniques and best practices outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to mastering union types and writing more robust, type-safe code.

Technique Description
Type Guards A function that narrows the type of a value within a specific scope.
Inheritance and Discriminated Unions A way to create a more robust type system using interfaces and union types.
The `never` Type A special type that represents a value that never occurs, used for exhaustiveness checks.

Remember, working with union types requires careful attention to detail and a solid understanding of TypeScript’s type system. By following the advice in this guide, you’ll be able to tackle even the most complex type-related challenges with confidence.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, getting a specific type from a union type with a specific value requires a deep understanding of TypeScript’s type system and a willingness to learn and adapt. By mastering union types, you’ll be able to write more robust, type-safe code and tackle complex programming challenges with ease.

We hope you found this guide informative and helpful. If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the topics covered, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Frequently Asked Question

Get specify type from Union Type with specify value, let’s dive into the most frequently asked questions about this topic!

How do I get a specific type from a Union Type with a specific value in TypeScript?

You can use the `as` keyword to cast the Union Type to a specific type. For example, if you have a Union Type `type MyType = string | number`, you can use `myValue as string` to get the string type.

What if I want to get a specific type based on a condition?

You can use a conditional type to achieve this. For example, `type MyType = T extends string ? string : number`. This will return `string` if `T` is a string, and `number` otherwise.

How do I get a specific type from a Union Type with a specific value at runtime?

You can use a type guard function to narrow the type of the Union Type based on the specific value. For example, `function isString(myValue: MyType): myValue is string { return typeof myValue === ‘string’; }`.

What if I have a complex Union Type with multiple values?

You can use a combination of conditional types and type guards to narrow down the type of the Union Type. For example, `type MyType = T extends { type: ‘string’ } ? string : T extends { type: ‘number’ } ? number : never`. This will return the specific type based on the `type` property of the object.

Are there any best practices for working with Union Types and specific values?

Yes, always use type annotations and conditional types to make your code more readable and maintainable. Additionally, use type guards to narrow down the type of the Union Type at runtime, and avoid using `any` or `unknown` types whenever possible.

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