Issue with Facebook Graph API ‘time_created’ Filter Not Comparing Leads in Seconds: A Comprehensive Guide to Solving the Problem
Image by Evanna -

Issue with Facebook Graph API ‘time_created’ Filter Not Comparing Leads in Seconds: A Comprehensive Guide to Solving the Problem

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Are you tired of struggling with the Facebook Graph API ‘time_created’ filter not comparing leads in seconds? You’re not alone! Many developers have faced this frustrating issue, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the problem, explore its causes, and provide step-by-step instructions to help you solve it once and for all.

What is the ‘time_created’ Filter and Why is it Important?

The ‘time_created’ filter is a powerful tool in the Facebook Graph API that allows you to filter leads based on the time they were created. This filter is crucial for businesses that rely on timely follow-ups with their leads, as it enables them to target specific time ranges and prioritize their lead nurturing efforts.

However, when the ‘time_created’ filter fails to compare leads in seconds, it can lead to inaccurate results, missed opportunities, and a significant waste of time and resources.

Causes of the Issue with ‘time_created’ Filter Not Comparing Leads in Seconds

Before we dive into the solution, let’s explore the common causes of this issue:

  • Incorrect API Call Structure: The ‘time_created’ filter requires a specific API call structure, which can be easily messed up, leading to incorrect results.
  • Invalid Timestamp Format: Facebook Graph API expects a specific timestamp format, and any deviation from it can cause the filter to malfunction.
  • Inconsistent Time Zone Settings: If your application’s time zone settings are inconsistent with Facebook’s, it can lead to incorrect comparisons.
  • Facebook API Rate Limiting: If you’re making too many API calls within a short period, Facebook may rate-limit your requests, causing the ‘time_created’ filter to fail.

Solving the Issue with ‘time_created’ Filter Not Comparing Leads in Seconds

Now that we’ve identified the common causes, let’s get to the solution. Follow these step-by-step instructions to solve the issue:

Step 1: Verify API Call Structure

Double-check your API call structure to ensure it’s correct. Here’s an example of a correct API call using the ‘time_created’ filter:

GET /v13.0/{lead_id}?fields=time_created&filtering=[{"field":"time_created","operator":"GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL","value":"2022-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"}]&access_token={access_token}

Make sure to replace `{lead_id}` with the actual lead ID, `{access_token}` with your Facebook API access token, and the timestamp value with the desired date and time.

Step 2: Use Correct Timestamp Format

Facebook Graph API expects timestamps in the following format:


Ensure that your timestamp values match this format exactly, including the `T` separating the date and time, and the `+00:00` indicating the time zone offset.

Step 3: Configure Time Zone Settings

Verify that your application’s time zone settings are consistent with Facebook’s. Facebook uses the UTC time zone, so ensure that your application is set to UTC as well. If you’re using a different time zone, convert your timestamp values accordingly.

Step 4: Avoid Facebook API Rate Limiting

To avoid rate limiting, ensure that you’re making API calls at a reasonable pace. Facebook recommends making no more than 200 API calls per minute. If you need to make more calls, consider using Facebook’s built-in batching feature or implementing a queuing system to space out your requests.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

If you’re still experiencing issues with the ‘time_created’ filter, try the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Use Facebook’s Graph API Explorer tool to test your API calls and verify the results.
  • Enable Facebook API debug logging to identify any errors or warnings.
  • Verify that your Facebook API access token has the necessary permissions to access lead data.
  • Check your application’s error logs for any Facebook API error responses.


Solving the issue with the Facebook Graph API ‘time_created’ filter not comparing leads in seconds requires attention to detail, a solid understanding of the API, and a bit of patience. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and get back to focusing on your lead nurturing efforts. Remember to stay vigilant and monitor your API calls to ensure that you’re getting accurate results.

If you’re still experiencing issues or have further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Facebook’s developer support team or seek guidance from a seasoned developer. Happy coding!

Common Issues Solutions
Incorrect API Call Structure Verify API call structure and use correct syntax.
Invalid Timestamp Format Use correct timestamp format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00).
Inconsistent Time Zone Settings Configure application time zone settings to match Facebook’s UTC time zone.
Facebook API Rate Limiting Avoid rate limiting by spacing out API calls or using batching.

Remember, solving the issue with the Facebook Graph API ‘time_created’ filter not comparing leads in seconds requires attention to detail and a solid understanding of the API. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and get back to focusing on your lead nurturing efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get clarity on Facebook Graph API’s ‘time_created’ filter woes!

Why does the ‘time_created’ filter not work as expected in Facebook Graph API?

The ‘time_created’ filter in Facebook Graph API compares leads in milliseconds, not seconds. This means that if you’re trying to filter leads created within a specific time range, you need to convert your timestamp to milliseconds.

How do I convert my timestamp to milliseconds for the ‘time_created’ filter?

You can convert your timestamp to milliseconds by multiplying it by 1000. For example, if you want to filter leads created within the last hour, you would use the timestamp in milliseconds: `since=now-1h&until=now` would become `since=${now-1h}*1000&until=${now}*1000`.

Can I use the ‘time_created’ filter with other filters in Facebook Graph API?

Yes, you can combine the ‘time_created’ filter with other filters, such as ‘country’ or ‘adset_id’, to further narrow down your lead results. Just make sure to use the correct syntax and formatting for each filter.

Is the ‘time_created’ filter case-sensitive in Facebook Graph API?

No, the ‘time_created’ filter is not case-sensitive. You can use ‘time_created’, ‘Time_Created’, or even ‘tIMe_CrEaTeD’ (although we don’t recommend the last one for readability’s sake!) and the filter will still work as expected.

What happens if I don’t specify the ‘time_created’ filter in my Facebook Graph API request?

If you don’t specify the ‘time_created’ filter, Facebook Graph API will return all leads in your request, regardless of when they were created. This can lead to a massive dataset, so be sure to use the filter to narrow down your results to what you need!